Everything,everywhere, integrated
Prof. Willaim CHENG's lab shows how TronViEWER and all our series, can help you to integrate whatever you need. In his work, electrochemistrty and imaging are integrated onto our SPR system. Check his paper right here!
Prof. William CHENGNTU Chemistry departmentHow integration of your research with SPR may help
Surface Force Apparatus (SFA) is an interferometry-based technique that is excellent in characterizing interfacial processes in a confinement with molecular level resolution. Over decades of developments and optimizations, the application of SFA has been massively extended from its original equilibrated electric double layer analysis into dynamical electrochemistry-modulated processes, such as charging, corrosion and catalysis. Together with team of PlasmonicTron, we integrated SPR with SFA as well as ICP-MS. This allows us to study the complex interaction for E-field, flow field and bio-chemical interaction.